Kite Cleaning for Longer Life and Optimal Performance
Your kite is constantly exposed to harmful influences such as UV radiation, salt water and sand, which can make the cloth susceptible to mold and dirt. Over time, the kite can lose its firmness, absorb more water and lose its original shape. That is why it is essential to have your kite professionally cleaned and impregnated regularly. At ZONklaar we ensure that your kite is in top condition again.
Professional Cleaning and Protection
Although it may be tempting to clean your kite yourself, this task requires more expertise than you might think. Simple cleaning agents are often not enough to thoroughly clean the cloth. At ZONklaar we use professional techniques in which factors such as temperature and soaking time are carefully controlled. Our specialists ensure that your kite is carefully cleaned and protected.
Protection against water and dirt
In addition to cleaning, your kite at ZONklaar is provided with a water-repellent coating, which keeps the cloth dirt and water resistant. This ensures that your kite stays dry and does not absorb water. Regular cleaning and impregnation prevents dirt from penetrating deep into the cloth, which significantly extends the life of your kite.
ZONklaar is also an official collection point. You can hand in your kite to us for a full treatment. We ensure that your kite is ready for optimal performance again.
Kite cleaning Brabant, Kite maintenance Gelderland, Professional kite cleaning Kerkdriel, Kite impregnation ZONklaar, Dirt-repellent kite, UV protection kite, Water-repellent kite coating, Kite protection against dirt, Kite cleaning Brabant, Kite cloth cleaning Gelderland, Kite maintenance Bateau Bootservice.