Bateau  |  Artikelnummer 1315
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Gratis verzending vanaf 150 euro

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Bestellingen boven € 150,= binnen Nederland worden gratis bezorgd 


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  • Verzending voor bestelling vanaf € 75,= kost € 4,95
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    zoals bij lengtevracht of zware pakketten: € 14,95

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  • Producten met een toeslag,
    zoals bij lengtevracht of zware pakketten: € 19,95

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Mosquito net and 100% blackout in the same product. The combination of the two layers of curtain/blind and one layer of mosquito net darkens, lets air through and keeps the mosquitoes out of the boat. It is easily mounted from the inside with two suction cups or the new alternative with magnets. It is suitable for roof hatches with interior dimensions up to 720 x 720 mm. The overlap of the curtain varies depending on the hatch size. Folds down to ⅓ size, storage bag included. Fits all brands of hatches.

Works with open and closed hatch
100% blackout
Thin, builds less than 3 mm
Suitable for hatches with interior dimensions up to 720 x 720 mm (28" x 28")
Pop-up function for easy assembly
No permanent installation
After use it folds it into a third of its size
Suitable for most hatches/brands on the market
Magnet option as an alternative to suction cup is included
Waterline BLINDS WITH VENTILATION FOR HATCHES – LARGE #1315 - Bateau Bootservice


Mosquito net and 100% blackout in the same product. The combination of the two layers of curtain/blind and one layer of mosquito net darkens, lets air through and keeps the mosquitoes out of the boat. It is easily mounted from the inside with two suction cups or the new alternative with magnets. It is suitable for roof hatches with interior dimensions up to 720 x 720 mm. The overlap of the curtain varies depending on the hatch size. Folds down to ⅓ size, storage bag included. Fits all brands of hatches.

Works with open and closed hatch
100% blackout
Thin, builds less than 3 mm
Suitable for hatches with interior dimensions up to 720 x 720 mm (28" x 28")
Pop-up function for easy assembly
No permanent installation
After use it folds it into a third of its size
Suitable for most hatches/brands on the market
Magnet option as an alternative to suction cup is included
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